Wednesday, August 10, 2005
My windows are *still* not fixed ...agh!


OK, well it might be a really good thing that Wampi wants to still spend most of his time in the cat cage. Our window latches are not fixed. It's not safe for him to roam the apartment unattended.

The window repair guy arrived around 2pm and after inspecting the windows said the window frames were bent and they had to be completely replaced. He'd have to order new windows ... if the landlord would approve of the expense.

Well, I thought, of course he will. I should have locking windows right? I mean, I should ... deserve ... to have windows that lock, right?

Well, more excuses. I called and left a message with the landlord as to what the guy said. He called me back and seemed upset regarding the verdict. He wants to inspect the windows himself. In his defense, I think he wants to do the right thing but omg I'm so tired of waiting ... and getting the runaround.

He thinks that if all three windows have bent frames and since there is no obvious damage to the windows (like a burglar trying to get in with a crow bar) then the building may have settled and what we need is a mason to fix the brick work around the windows instead of new windows.


He's coming to look next week and decide what to do. If he wants to redo the brick work around the windows ... well that's bad. How in the world can we live in a tiny little apartment with all our windows torn out, exposed to the world (NYC world) while a bunch of people rebuild our frames? It's more than inconvenient. It's not safe. It's scary. I don't know what the heck we'll do. There is no way, NO WAY, we will stay in conditions like that.

Our building is really old. I think about 200 years old. Our floors slant and we even have ancient gas fixtures (non working, of course) in the bathroom. I wouldn't be surprised if the verdict is the actual window opening has shifted. A building across the street totally collapsed a few years ago...every single person had to evacuate their homes.

OK, I'll stop. I'm just upset. I should stay positive. Maybe things will work out and he'll say something simple next week and this will get resolved.

In the meantime, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing ...keep working with Wampi. Coaxing him to walk a little more and encouraging him to stay out of the cage longer and longer. Both yesterday and today, he limped about a little bit, layed on the floor a while, then sort of scooted himself over to the table where his cage sits. Then he would look at me and meow. He tried to climb up on the stool but it hurt him so I just picked him up and put him in the cage. He's making a little progress and I'm glad he's got a safe haven.

ps-I recycled 86 cans. =)

Surprised by the flash.

Wampi stretching.
posted by Cam at 10:06:00 PM |


Blogger Stacy said...

Well dang Cam. This does not sound good. I sure was hoping that Wampi would be up and moving aroud a little more.

I sure hope that they will fix your windows so that you guys will be safe.

Thursday, August 11, 2005 6:15:00 AM  
Blogger Cam said...

Thanks, Stacy. Well, we do have metal gates on our windows so we are safe in that respect. I'm hoping that Wampi will eventually get back to normal (or as close as can be) and if he does then he would be able to use his weight to force the window open. That's what he did before the "accident". As of right now, he is limping around and afraid to be out of his cage for very long and I don't think he weighs enough to force the window open anyways.

I just hope that whatever work they do on the windows, they do it all within one day ... and that we don't have to wait years for it to be done.

Thursday, August 11, 2005 6:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to apartment living! You may have to rig something on the windows yourselves.

Wampi looks "bright eyed and bushy tailed since the cast came off. I bet he proves to be his own best physical therapist. We humans, friends and pals will be the cheering section.

Thursday, August 11, 2005 10:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to apartment living! You may have to rig something on the windows yourselves.

Wampi looks "bright eyed and bushy tailed since the cast came off. I bet he proves to be his own best physical therapist. We humans, friends and pals will be the cheering section.

Thursday, August 11, 2005 10:31:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm glad to hear and see that the cast came off, and Wampi can finally move around and get some exercise. I'm not jealous of him right now, and can only imagine the pain. Hooray for pain drops, but getting medicated is always a tradeoff for kitties - which is more traumatic, you know? Getting the drops or dealing with the pain?

It's funny that he was okay with jumping off the bed but not with buzzy slippers - after his fall, I would have guessed that he'd be floorbound for a while.

Friday, August 12, 2005 3:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cam, what a beautiful, sweet kitty. I do really hope she comes through this catastrophe all right (and please ignore psychos like that Crazy Dan, who are on a par with the person who threw your kitty off the roof).

I so want to help, but we have filed bankruptcy and can barely cover our own vet bills, so what I will do is post a link to your blog on a cat-related group I own on Yahoo and see if somebody there can contribute. Please accept all my best wishes and hug Wampi for me.

Friday, August 12, 2005 5:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Wamps, just checking in to say hi and see how you're doing. You look so very, very cute in your photos. Just remember little man, step by step, day by day. You're a winner all the way Wampi. Cuddles to you and Cam.

Friday, August 12, 2005 6:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww...he's so pretty.

see, you can say "pretty" about a boy kitty.

Friday, August 12, 2005 4:59:00 PM  
Blogger Sarcomical said...

that was me btw...stupid blogger posty thingy

Friday, August 12, 2005 5:00:00 PM  

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