Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Quick Wampi Update & More Donors
Wampi is back home and he seems to be in really good spirits. He was soooo happy to see me last night when we picked him up. And he seems to be moving much better around in his cage, so maybe he will get the cast off in a few weeks. I'm not going to get too excited ... just going to keep my fingers crossed!

So, anyway his new cast is green (I was so hoping for pink but oh well) and I'll be autographing all the new donors names on the cast in the next few days. Will have photos up on Friday for Wampi's 5th Friday Cast Call! Wow. Time is flying.

Send me your kitty photos! I've been getting a lot of emails lately with photos of people's cats. I'd like to make a special section in my sidebar showcasing the feline friends of all Wampi's donors. So, if you have donated to Wampi -- in whatever way -- please send me a pic of your kitty! I'd love to showcase them and let the world see all of Wampi's kitty friends. =^..^=

BIG BIG BIG Thank you's
go out to all the following people who have donated in the last 2 days: Farrah, Donna, emerald, Oldcontroller, Odhinn, Terri & aelfheld.

Emerald's E-Bay Auction
- And emerald, bless her heart, knitted a beautiful scarf in honor of Wampi and is holding her own E-Bay auction to help raise funds for him! Can you believe that? That is so touching it made me want to cry when I saw it. Take a look at emerald's blog and her E-Bay auction and you'll see what I'm talking about.
posted by Cam at 6:48:00 AM |


Blogger Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

I just found your site! I'm so sorry that Wampi has been through all of this. I'm happy to link to your site. I make helping animals my life's work. Richardson Zoo wants to help. I'll be by with a donation soon! See your link at

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 8:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you could save your internet fees and help Wampi. I love animals and am so sorry for the tragedy but asking strangers for money to save YOUR pet is a little extreme. Sorry, its how I feel.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 9:51:00 AM  
Blogger Emerald said...

dalinda no one can change how you feel, but YOU can change whether you post or not. If people like the cause, they will help it. More will probably do so because of negativity such as yours. Why do the few have to try to drag down the many? What is gained by it?

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree. I am in the UK and just made a donation, because I adore cats and know that they make the best friends and companions...I know I would do the same as Cam if this tradgedy had happened to us. I got directed here through a link in the 'Cat Chat' club on iOffer. I did not hesitate in making a donation because I know in my heart that this is a truly worthwhile cause. Good luck to Wampy & family, Della x

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 4:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cam, please do look into sending your story to Animal Planet. I'm sure they would be interested in Wampi's plight and his steady recovery being documented by you on your blog site.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 8:10:00 PM  
Blogger Cam said...

Cheryl - Thanks for linking to the site! Your article looks great. =) Thanks for making Wampi a zoo link! (and you used that graphic in your story, yay! You're the first one that I know of to use it.)

Jenifer d. - I will look into contacting Animal Planet, thanks. It's a really good idea. Do you have any suggestions as to who I should contact there?

Della - thank you so much for your donation. =) I saw the conversations at iOffer in Cat Chat and Let's Talk ... really warmed my heart to know so many people are talking about Wampi and sending him good wishes.


Thursday, July 21, 2005 2:19:00 AM  
Blogger Cam said...

Dalinda - I'm sorry you feel so negative about someone trying to help their victimized pet. You are entitled to your opinion but I can tell from what you've written here that it is perhaps a knee-jerk reaction. I'm not demanding anything from anyone, just asking people to help out a little if they can and feel inclined to. In fact, one of the things I believe strongly in is that if everyone would recycle their cans and bottles and donate it to a Good Cause (whether that is to Wampi, or to a shelter, or to help orphans or the Tsunami Relief Effort, whatever) then so many people joining together and helping out a little bit can make a huge difference in people and pets lives.

Imagine if everyone who could, would donate a few bucks to a Good Cause every month. On the individual level a few dollars doesn't do much but combined on a broad scale it can make the difference to a hungry child, natural disaster victims, or pets that are homeless or victimized.

Wampi's story is just one of many, many good causes. You can't save everyone or everything but you can choose the things you support and be proud that your contribution has made a difference in someone's life. We all have choices.

If you don't like it, don't read. Please don't be negative. Just click that little red X in the top corner and move on.

Thanks, Emerald for sticking up for the site.

P.S. - I have cut back my food budget by 10%, reduced my phone bill by $5/month by switching companies, and I recycle cans and bottles every week to bring in extra money. I also took on an extra online research job (on top of taking care of the baby, taking care of Wampi, this website, and writing my dissertation) to make extra money to pay this off. If I disconnected the internet I'd have to pay for a babysitter so I could go to school and do the research in person, pay for subway/bus because I don't have a car, and I wouldn't be able to do my online research for the dissertation or to make some extra money. See? I have thought about that, but it just doesn't make sense ... financially or for me to finish my dissertation.

Thursday, July 21, 2005 2:36:00 AM  
Blogger Cam said...

p.s.s. - I had originally thought I could encourage many people to recycle and donate proceeds to help Wampi (which is happening) as well as make some money off Google ads on this blog ... but some malicious person abused my ads by setting one of those clicking programs to work on it thus requiring me to suspend them. So now I don't make any money off advertisements.

Thursday, July 21, 2005 2:50:00 AM  

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